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Home page > Amino Acids > BCAA Zero
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BCAA Zero contains the amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine in a ratio of 2:1:1, which contribute significantly to the proce... See more
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Category: Amino Acids
Package: 360 g
Taste: blue grape, cola, green apple, kiwi lime, lemon ice tea, orange, peach iced tea, pineapple mango, tropical fruit, watermelon
On stock 33 pcs
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Price list

PackageTaste Stock Expiration Your price Buy
360 gpineapple mango4 pcs24.10.202716,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 gblue grape3 pcs6.11.202716,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 gorange4 pcs6.11.202716,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 gcola4 pcs25.10.202716,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 gpeach iced tea4 pcs7.11.202716,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 gkiwi lime3 pcs1.10.202716,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 glemon ice tea4 pcs31.10.202716,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 gtropical fruit2 pcs13.11.202716,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 gwatermelon5 pcs17.8.202516,90 EUR
16,90 EUR
360 ggreen applethe product is sold out, Monitor availability

BCAA Zero contains the amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine in a ratio of 2:1:1, which contribute significantly to the processes of muscle and energy growth, and have a natural ratio in muscle mass. We have added Vitamin B6 which contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism, and helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness + L-Glutamine which helps for better recovery. The manufacturer has used stevia, a natural plant-based sweetener, in the product for a more pronounced taste.

BCAA Zero - 1 serving (9 g) contains: - 3000 mg L-Leucine - 1500 mg L-Isoleucine - 1500 mg L-Valine - 1300 mg L-Glutamine - 2 mg Vitamin B6

Dosage: Mix one serving (9 g = 2 scoops = 1 tablespoon) of the product with 300 ml of water. Take 15 minutes before or during training. It is recommended to use a shaker to prepare the drink.

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